1) carpet removed from bedroom/future dining room
2) closet & wall between kitchen and bedroom is GONE (Dad did this - he's decided he's good at tearing things up!)
3) kitchen cabinets have 1+ coats of paint (still working on the doors & drawers - ran out of paint)
4) sliding glass door between the sun room/entry and living room is gone - very odd spot for a door, not sure why they had it there
5) garage was sprayed out with the power washer (needs done again at least once - still a strong smell of oil - previous owner worked on garden tractors/lawn mowers and wasn't real neat about spillage of oil)
6) closet and 1/2 bathroom between 2 bedrooms has been demolished down to the studs
7) new kitchen faucet installed
8) new fridge made it safely inside the house
I know I should have pictures but they're at home and I'm not! I'll try to get a Part 2 to this post tonight with pictures of the progress. Plus we still have 2 & 1/2 weeks left of summer ball. I have tons of pictures to get edited & posted from ball season this year and a wedding to decorate and photograph this weekend, plus four other sessions to get edited......UGH, I think I need a vacation!
Since every post 'should' have a picture, here are a few from a bridal shower I shoot several weeks back. You can see more on my PHOTOGRAPHY BLOG!.
Super cute favors - note pads and pink or orange Sharpies
Part of the foods spread (all prepared by her parents)
looks yummy :)