I know those of you who have been gone on vacation for over a week understand what it's like to return to EVERYTHING you must get done while you were gone. It always seems to me that I have 5 times more work that needs to be completed when I'm gone from work for a while, haven't quite figured out why that is yet. I realize I still owe you pictures from baseball season, Sesser 5K fun walk/run, vacation and Lindsey's wedding. The day we returned from Florida, Johnathon and Matthew entered into the end of season baseball tournament - like I could miss any of those games.

Then when baseball ended, Uncle JohnD and Aunt Kathy came for a visit from SanDiego. Of course we always eat well when we have company over and we had fried zucchini one nite which is probably one of my favorite foods. I think I can eat 2-3 zucchini by myself. Since they're fried we don't fix them often, so I made a pig of myself and quite frankly don't really care!! Oh did I mention I LOVE FRIED ZUCCHINI!
With not only the month ending while on vacation, but also the quarter and mid-year point as an accountant my full-time job workload has been crazy since I got back. I have to have the midyear analysis done and ready to present to the banks by next Tuesday which = 12 hour work days through the end of this month ends to get it all done. While in the mean time I have two weddings to decorate this weekend and one next weekend!

One wedding this weekend is black/white/yellow with lemons as the accent. here are a few of the 350 candy bags filled with lemon wedge candy that will be given to the guests.

I also had to do 225 orange candy bags for Lindsey's reception this weekend. I filled hers with orange & tangerine flavored 'salt water' taffy to go with the whole beach theme of her wedding in Destin, Florida - pretty smart don't you think.

Yesterday I received several shipments from FedEx and UPS. Actually they've been coming to my house like everyday for almost a week now. You should see my living/dining room - it's wedding central! Yesterday they brought me the following items:
50 yellow & white freesia
20 orange lilies
100 yellow static
120 yellow spider mums
60 white large calla lilies
20 mini white calla lilies
200 mini yellow calla lilies
400 yellow carnations (filler)
200 yellow roses
150 orange roses
50 hot pink roses
20 yellow garden roses
10 white garden roses
330 yellow snapdragons
4 field bunches of tree fern
3 field bunches of waxflower
The orange and hot pink are for Lindsey's reception, the yellow & white are for Ashlee & Bryan's black/white/yellow reception. Of course the all had to be unpacked, ends cut and bottom leaves removed before I put them in 5 gallon buckets of water to hydrate.

Last night in the midst of all the decorating prep, Aunt Eileen brought over Ben for a little photo session. Our first photo session was suppose to be 2 weeks after he was born, but he decided to go to stop breathing and visit the hospital instead - guess he was just camera shy. Well let me just say, taking pictures of high school seniors is a WHOLE lot easier than babies. That was a learning experience last night to say the least and now that he's not just a couple of weeks old he was too big to do most of the poses I wanted to do but not big enough to do the other one's I wanted to do. Plus I wanted to do some outside shots but once again it was raining here - that has got to stop. The sun is shining right now, maybe tonight I can squeeze in a few outdoor pictures?!
Well, that's pretty much what I've been up to since vacation. I'm getting ready to head out to get my hair cut uptown (going to be late if I don't wrap this up soon!) and then tomorrow the real decorating begins! I'm nervous in a good way and can't wait to share pictures of the receptions with you! Have a good weekend - mine will be without sleep, just not seeing where I'll have time for that! Good thing I LOVE coffee.
I love visiting you! You really do make guests feel welcome and at home!! My reservation is already in for christmas :) I wish I was there..I would so love to help with the wedding stuff!