I finished the first book in two nights and quickly purchased the other two and had all three read in less than a week.
I enjoyed the series and it was a quick read that kept you interested, I'm a little surprised that the books are geared toward teens though. Some of the content if you really sit and think about it is a little disturbing. I think the ending in book 3 was a tad bit rushed but all-in-all a good purchase and I recommend reading them!
Looking forward to the first movie, coming out on March 23rd! I assume there will be 3 movies to mimic the book series.
On to other news, I'm going to make an honest attempt to start blogging at least one a week. Progress on the house has been slow, but I'm meeting with a contractor this week to talk about the remodel! Super excited for that and once it gets going I think it'll kick me in high gear about getting a few more things accomplished. The living room as been on total hold waiting for the remodel which is driving me nuts. I did purchase some furniture and a wall hanging for in there.
The master & guest bathrooms are the almost complete. Still need to get the crown molding hung, the hardwood floors sanded and re-stained, floor molding installed and get pictures/wall decorations purchased and hung. As for the rest of the house, well..... In my own defense, I haven't been twiddling my thumbs since my last post (when ever that was). My photography business has picked up, YAY!! This is both good news and bad - I still work my full-time job so my spare time/house time has been drastically cut or you could say non-existent which is also what I'm going to blame my lack of blog posts on too :)
I've pretty much stopped decorating weddings - takes up too much time. I have 3 scheduled for this year which are pretty much just for family. I'll photograph weddings but don't think I'll be decorating any more if I can avoid it.
This past weekend I did a fund raiser for our local Relay for Life. I shoot 20 minute mini photo sessions with the proceeds of the session cost going to the American Cancer Society. The Relay for Life team set up all the appointments. We had 50 sessions! I was pooped Sunday night when we finally finished. I'm not use to standing on concrete for 10 hours a day. I enjoyed the weekend and look forward to getting the edits done.