I hope everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Day. I started this post yesterday but the upload speed on the internet at home last night wasn't what it should have been and I therefore didn't get this post done.
We went to Maple Hill Cemetery in the morning for the annual Memorial Day ceremony. The SV Band march into the cemetery and play a couple tunes and then the VFW held their short ceremony with the presenting of the wreaths, 21 gun salute and taps.
You'll notice in the pictures below that the band is wearing bright yellow tee-shirts. I'm pretty sure my junior year in high school was the last year we wore uniforms to the cemetery on Memorial Day. Our uniforms were 100% wool and it was over 90 degrees that year with high humidity. We had either 6 or 7 kids pass out from the heat, even though the band director told us not to lock our knees - they did and down they went. The last to fall was the guy holding the cymbals who was over 6 foot tall. Once he fell (face forward with cymbals to his side - kind of like a nestle plug to the ground), Mr. Taylor made the rest of us take the uniforms off and I think that was the last year they wore them there.

For those who haven't been back to Sesser since my grandparents headstone was placed, here it is. My grandfather served in the US Navy!

Uncle, Shane Wheatley - US Army Front of the cemetery, entire frontage is lined with flags.....
Johnathon on the baritone.
Delmar Jones presenting the wreath.
21 gun salute (the little black specks are the shells flying in the air).