Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bean Counter

Friday, March 27, 2009
Holy Cow
Happy Birthday Tamar! Trust me 35 isn't that bad, 40 on the other hand - not looking forward to at all. But I guess it does beat the alternative.....
Congrats to Tammy and Mike who welcomed their son yesterday, Kyan James.
I'm starting to book up April thru October so if you need me to do something for you better let me know soon. I do still have some weekends open for pictures!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cool Breeze
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Proud to be IRISH
Friday, March 13, 2009
Three Options
New Recipe

I printed out one of her recipes and fixed it last night - LOVED IT! It's an Asian Noodle Salad and you can view her step-by-step directions and print the recipe HERE. It tastes 20 times better than this picture represents.
The recipe makes a really, really large amount but I ate two plates full last night so I think the quantity is a little deceiving. I didn't mix it all together in one bowl either (I knew it wouldn't be eaten all at once since I was the only one eating last night!) - I put the vege's in one bowl, the noodles by themselves with a little oil and the dressing in a separate container. I also left the cilantro separate as I've been told that cilantro will cause food in the fridge to spoil quicker. Not sure why but I've heard it more than once from different people.
Anyway, the salad is made with cooked linguine, baby spinach, purple cabbage, bell peppers (I use red), scallions, cucumbers and lots of cilantro. The dressing is soy sauce, olive oil, sesame oil, brown sugar, garlic and fresh ginger. Hot peppers are optional!
It was delicious, like I said I ate two plates full! I wish I'd brought some for my lunch but I know I'll be having it for supper tonight.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I went in for a trim yesterday and ended up having Tiffany cut several inches off my hair. I love it!! I may even take a picture of myself, or maybe not - but I do love the cut.
In other news....
1. Working on several wedding quotes, not at this exact moment since I'm at my ft job as I type. The only problem with working on quotes is that I don't want to wait months and months to decorate. I start researching and finding ideas/pictures and I want to make it happen - right now.
2. Have a meeting with a new bride tomorrow (black/white wedding with yellow accent - great color choices)!
3. Traveling with my Aunt to my cousin's house this weekend to do pregnancy/family pictures. Be sure to check out the photography blog early next week.
4. So ready for it to warm up just a tad bit so I can start doing outside pictures again - several seniors waiting for warm weather.
5. Dad's doing better but still has weeks upon weeks of recovery/therapy ahead.
6. Track starts Monday (Johnathon) - I'm soooo thrilled, I mean we had like one whole week of no sports!
7. Still working on the 1000+ basketball pictures, I'm about 1/2 the way done.
.....and that's about all I have to report at the moment.
Monday, March 9, 2009
HUGE one day SALE
Complete your basket with the fabric liner, plastic protector, woodcraft lid or fabric bin dividers to organize accessories your way.
Fabric bin divider options:
4 Small
2 Small and 1 Medium
2 Medium
1 Large
Basket Measurements 14 3/4"l x 9 7/8"w x 7 3/8"h
One of those days
I need to get going on the February financials and sales reports. I do this monthly, not a big deal - just don't feel like doing it.
I really, really, really need to clean my fish tank in my office here at work. I feel sorry for my fish so I'll probably do this task even though I don't feel like carrying all of that water.
I need to re-pot my plants in my office. I get NO sunlight in my office so a few of my plants have decreased in size. About once a year I just add a few new starts to the pot to make it 'appear' that my plants are growing.
I need to clean my office, more specifically I need to FILE papers away. I also need to carry all of the 2006 files downstairs to make room for 2009, make binder covers for 2009, shred a huge stack of paperwork and organize my closet.
I wore jeans, CPI logo tee-shirt and flip flops to work today to do some of the messy jobs on my "I need to..." list and now that I'm at work I don't feel like doing any of them. I getting a headache which has been occurring for a couple of weeks now once I get to work. I've noticed that I'm squinting a lot too. Not sure if the headaches are causing the vision problems or the vision problems are causing the headaches. Too much to think about, I think I'll head to Walmart and get bottled water so I can clean my fish tank.....no thought involved in that task. Just a little heavy lifting.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I'm on my second cup of coffee, the first I drank on the back porch watching the day 'wake up'. I really need to win the lottery or find a rich husband, I could get use to lazy mornings started at my own pace - I don't get many of those. I'm an early riser no matter what the day holds, but not having to get ready to do something the minute I get out of bed is wonderful.
My second cup brought me into my computer. I plan to be at this computer most of the day getting the 1000+ basketball pictures edited and copied to cd's so I can share them with Johnathon's teammates and/or their parents. So if you read this today send a shout out, I'll be here!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Twice in ONE WEEK!
1. We know he's allergic to codeine and morphine.
His medical charts state his allergy to these to drugs, this isn't something new - we already know this fact.
2. Immediately after the surgery he was having trouble breathing and asked to nurse what the pain killer drip was......it was morphine. He told them he was allergic and they switched it, problem solved.
3. When he was discharged from the hospital, the doc wrote a scrip for Oxy-Cotton (not sure how to spell it). We get it filled and this is the pain killer that he took this morning.
At the ER tonight we found out that Oxy-Cotton is the man-made version of MORPHINE! The second pain killer they gave him is a derivative of CODEINE, they wrote his pain killer script for not ONE but TWO medicines he's ALLERGIC to. When the ambulance arrived tonight he was going into anaphylactic shock. So twice in one week, the Sesser first responders and ambulance have been at our house - enough already!
The Benton ER was able to reverse the effects of the morphine and after a few tests, several IV bags of different fluids, and 4 hours in the ER things are thankfully back to normal. We learned that any pain killers they offer dad we need to ask if they're related in any way, shape or form to the two he can't take. We can't assume that they'll put two and two together and not give him what he's allergic to.
Unfortunately I didn't make it to SV trivia tonight, which I'm sure is the reason my team didn't win! I mean I answer soooo many of those questions. I really wonder why people know the answers to some of those questions - really why in the world do people know that useless, trivial stuff? Since I also didn't go to the social after trivia, I now have a lot of hot wings to eat myself!! Which reminds me.....I haven't eaten since lunch today and it's almost midnight now. I'm off to find a snack and get to bed, needless to say it's been one long day.
Home from Hospital
They released dad early last night from the hospital and he had his first round of in-home therapy today. The doctor and nurses were amazed at how well he was doing. They all said they don't send patients home in 3 days with a bi-lateral knee replacement.
He may have a different view on "how well he's doing" after the in-home therapists came today. I guess they really worked him over. But in all things did/are going well with the surgery.
I'm about to head out the door for a very competitive trivia night at the SV High School (fund raiser for girls b'ball) - wish me luck! After trivia our team is going to 'celebrate' our win at one of the team members house with cocktails & fingerfoods so don't call me until around noon tomorrow.
Monday, March 2, 2009
They finally took dad into surgery around 1pm today. The doc came out around 4:30 and told us that everything went as planned. He said that there was identical damage in his two knees. The cartilage was missing on the inside of both knees and the bones were rubbing when he walked. Neither knee had arthritis or ACLU damage and the doc expects a good recovery. He'll be staying at Carbondale Memorial for a few days and then will start therapy at home.
Until he's back up and going, Johnathon and I have to tend to the outside animals (dogs, cats and the chickens)! I just looooove those chickens!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Herrin Bridal Show
Basketball, Baseball & Ambulances
Sesser just didn't quite have their "A" game and lost to Carterville. Brittany (Johnathon's sister) came home with us to spend the night. She and Johnathon were in the living room playing Wii when we heard a loud scream. Brittany was "swinging the the bat" and twisted wrong, dislocating her knee.
The doc's in Herrin were able to pop the knee cap back into place (after sedating Brit) and she has to see a orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning. Hopefully he'll not see any damage to the ACLU and she'll just have to hobble on crutches for a few weeks.