Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Special treat to me
Once the air conditioner is turned off my windows are opened, I had such a wonderful night's sleep with the cool breeze blowing on my head, all snuggled in flannel! Can hardly wait to crawl back into bed tonight!!
In fact I was so comfy this morning that I really didn't want to get out of bed!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Another busy weekend
Last weekend I decorated an outdoor wedding for the loving couple, Georgia & Jack. I work with Georgia and wish them the best of luck in their new marriage.
The weekend before that I took Bart's senior pictures and finally finished up the edits and got those posted to my PHOTOGRAPHY BLOG along with a few more of Georgia & Jack's wedding.
I am happy to report that all swelling in my feet/ankles is gone! I twisted my ankle cleaning up the wedding last weekend and to add insult to injury....I ate a half a jar of pickles. For those who don't know me, I don't eat salt! Last weekend was exceptionally hot for October in So.IL with temp in the mid 80's and I'm pretty sure I failed to drink enough water, then consumed a lot of sodium and poof or rather puff. Everything was swollen!
I'll get a few from this weekend's senior sessions and flag football posted as soon as I get them edited. I'm also working on spreadsheets today for a board meeting later this week - fun, fun. I know deep down you're all jealous you're not spending your Sunday afternoon preparing for a board meeting!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sneak Peak of AJ

Here's a sneak peak from the little photo session I had with AJ. I'll have more posted on my PHOTOGRAPHY site in just a few minutes, still working on a few edits.
Isn't she adorable!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
All hail the QUEEN!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Starting to feel old...
It's funny how when we graduated our ten year reunion seemed like it was sooooo far off and we didn't even think about the 20th. At the time of our graduation, the 20th was twice our life time away. People getting ready for their 20th seemed so much older when we were in high's amazing how fast the time has gone since we graduated.
I graduated from Sesser-Valier High School, class of 1989 with 56 other students. We have a WEBSITE to track our classmates, get ideas/suggestions, share the details of our reunion. Some of my classmates have started posting pictures from high school, yes we were in the age of BIG HAIR! I should be able to scan some pics next week, I'll keep you all up to date on the '89 Reunion details as they become available! We're still trying to reach everyone to log onto the website and give us suggestions on what they'd like for the reunion.
Missing in Action
I did three little photo sessions this weekend that I still need to get edited and posted. I'm decorating/catering/photographing an outdoor wedding on Saturday that is mentally draining me (and it's only 80 guests). The flowers are coming in tomorrow and we're putting the three tents up on Thursday. I know everything will turn out great, I'm just in that nervous/anxious state right now. So much of what I do at weddings I can't prep and do in by the weekend before the event until I get to start decorating I'm always stressed to the max.
In addition to the outdoor wedding on Saturday, my cousin is also getting married (which I'll just have time to stop at the reception to do my congrats), my cousin on the other side of the family is retiring and having a retirement party (which I'm also decorating!!), and two of my favorite cousins are both senior queen candidates for Homecoming which has their coronation late Saturday evening. Saturday should just be one fun-filled day!
Sunday I'll have to do clean-up (tent/table/chair removal) from the outdoor wedding and then I'll start all over on Monday. I'm meeting with another cousin Monday morning to look at a site for her wedding reception next summer and then I've got a senior pic session in the afternoon and photography class that night. I already have three photo sessions booked for next weekend and two for the weekend after that!!
Like I said at the beginning of this, I've been BUSY. I don't see a point in the near future in which I'm going to slow down but I've LOVING every minute of it!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My first non-family photo session was of a cute little boy with big blue eyes named Drake. I have a few of his pics up if you'd like to check them out.
The PF in my business name is short for pink flamingo which is kind of a mascot for our family, the name is in honor of my late grandmother who had a "thing" for the flamingo's!